335 S Broadway, De Pere WI 54115
We have recently made some changes to our Building applications & forms. This application can now be submitted online. You can also pay for the application in a few quick & easy steps. The two payment options are by check or credit card. Please note that for online credit card payments, a 2.80% processing fee will be added to the total review fee. Also, if paying by check, your application will not be processed until payment is received by our office.
Project Address:
Property Owner Name:
Monitoring Agency Company Address:
Type of Change:
Do Cleaning, Maintenance, or Other Personnel Have After Hours Access to Building?
Interior Emergency/Security Lights?
Exterior Emergency/Security Lights?
Fire Alarm?
Hazardous Materials Present?
Firearms Present?
Animals Present?
Knox Box Present?
If yes, a key to the business will need to be provided to the De Pere Fire Department to place in the Knox Box.
If no, a Knox Box will need to be purchased and installed and a key to the business will need to be provided to the De Pere Fire Department to place in the Knox Box.
Total Due:
Applicant Signature